Monday, January 5, 2009

T-minus 4 days!

Only 4 days until we leave! Time has gone so fast! Too fast, it would seem. I started a "stuff to bring with" pile awhile back, but haven't actually started packing yet. So it's all in a pile on my kitchen cupboard, awaiting packing. I have no idea how I'm going to get all that stuff packed in... clothes, shoes, some supplies, medications just in case, and the 58 (no joke) scrub hats that I made with my good friends Abigail and Mindy to leave down there. My hope is that they don't have to use the limited supply of disposible hats that they have there. They are so awesome... all different colors and patterns, some for gals, some for guys. Most excellent! We had 2 sewing parties where we made an assembly line of sorts... one cutting patterns, one surging, and one on the sewing machine.
I've also been trying to spend time with friends and family before I leave. I'm running out of time to see them all, though! After all, I have to spend some time with my family too (and pack)! I've finished most of my shopping though. Actually, I think all of it. This is good! Just to shove everything into bags! Wahoo!
I'm starting to get to the anxiety now... not bad anxiety, but just anxious for everything to happen and to be there! It's going to be awesome!
Well, I'm out for now. I'm going to try to update daily until I leave.