Ok, I’m back for my second Not Me! Monday!
This past week, I have been concentrating on finishing my packing list and actually packing… but I would NEVER leave any of my packing, organizing, or shopping for the week of my international trip. Nope, Not me!
I’ve been planning on having some painting done at my house for quite some time. I absolutely DIDN’T know that the painters were coming today, and I did NOT wait to clear out the room until last night at 11:00. I also DID NOT clear out the contents of said room into the living room. I would never do something so irresponsible and counterproductive! Not Me!!
Last year when I went to Haiti, I made surgical scrub hats for the hospital OR staff, and I am doing the same thing this year. I did NOT, however, wait until this week to decide to finish the (roughly) half of them that are left. I would never subject myself to such last minute stressors! Not Me!
And, last but not least: The temperatures up in this neck of the woods has been beyond frigid this past week, and it has been very interesting to document exactly how cold it has been at various times. So, last night while I was on my way to a friend’s house, I absolutely Did NOT take a picture on my Crackberry Blackberry of my vehicle’s temperature gauge registering absolute zero –29 degrees AND publish it to Facebook… while I was driving. I would NEVER be so irresponsible! (oops… ;-) ) NOT ME!!!
Well, thats it for this week’s Not Me! Monday! I’ll be back tomorrow for Tasty Tuesday!!
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