Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We got our itinerary! I'm so excited! Along with that came additional information about our trip, a list to help us pack, and more information about the country in general. All in all, it was 17 pages of information. :-) We are leaving at 5 (yes, 5) am on the 9th. Like thats when our plane leaves. Those of you who know me well know that I DON'T do well with mornings. Sick, I tell you. We will meet part of our team in Minneapolis, then fly to Miami, where we will stay the night and meet the rest of the team. It'll be nice to get some "bonding" time, per se, and get to know everyone else. The next day, we fly to Port-au-Prince, then on to Pignon. We will do roughly 30 surgeries in 5 days. Crazy, isn't it?!? Those lives changed forever. Wild. Well, I'm off for tonight. I'll update again soon!