Sunday, November 30, 2008

Six weeks!

Six weeks from today, the team will arrive in Pignon. I'm getting more and more nervous as the time approaches, I think mostly because I don't know what to expect. Will I love it? Will I hate it? Will I be homesick or will I be too busy to even think about home? The reality is, is that I won't know until I get there, and thats ok. It's likely better that I don't know! I'm really excited for this trip!
I'm going to try to get in touch with a former pastor who used to live in Haiti and try to absorb some of his expertise on the country and the people. That's what I'm most excited about- the people. I want to meet them and interact with them. I want to play with the kids (not that we'll have much time to play!).
It's so exciting to know that by making this trip, this team will change people's lives forever. The surgeries that will be performed by the skilled hands of the surgeons will never be forgotten by those that benefit from them. Amazing.
I know this was a little scattered, but I have a lot to think about! I'll be updating more as the time grows closer!!
Oh, and I got my new passport!!