Friday, November 7, 2008

Don't ever lose your passport.

So my goings-on the last few days have revolved around my passport, or lack thereof. I got one once upon a time for a trip I was going to take in college, and never used it. I totally thought it was in my safe deposit box, so I innocently went to the bank to get it so I could submit my paperwork to CMP (Christian Mission of Pignon- the organization that we are working through). As it turned out, it sure wasn't there. So I wound up looking like an idiot standing there going "I KNOW I put it in here.....". I obviously did not. So. Yesterday I get all gussied up to go to the courthouse to get my picture taken and apply for a new passport. I get there, go through security, and march my way confidently up to the vital information counter. "I'm here to apply for a new passport", I said. The lady behind the counter says "ok, I just need your drivers license and birth certificate". Birth certificate?!? When the heck did that become a requirement? Dang it. "Here", she says. "Take the paperwork with you and fill it out at home. You can bring it back with your birth certificate". Yeah, thanks a lot (actually she was very sweet, considereing the number of times per day she deals with idiots like me). So my best laid plans for the day were totally and completely shot. So I call my poor Dad to ask him to look in their safe deposit box. Nothing. So. I run the rest of my errands for the day, which included a trip to Walmart to buy comfy pants. Then I went home to continue the quest for the missing birth certificate. So I go online to the ND state website to order a new one. Easy enough. Go through the process, give them all the info, etc. Get to the checkout area, and I find out that I have LOST my debit card. LOST. Gone. Vanished. Well crap. This is turning out to be a fantastic week, isn't it? So, I call WalMart. Nothing turned in. Then I call the bank to cancel the stupid thing. 7-10 days for a new one, of course. So yes. I am stuck without the debit card that I use goodness knows how many times a week in normal life, not to mention that I need it RIGHT NOW to order this blasted birth certificate so I can replace the passport that I lost. Ok. So I have this brother, and he is great. He borrowed me HIS debit card so I could order it! What a wonderful brother!! Now I owe him money, but oh well. So. Got the BC ordered. Sweet. 10-14 days to wait. Awesome. So besides this awesome brother that I have, I have this awesome Mom who comes home, looks in like 2 of her "safe" places (which, by the way, look like piles of junk, but thats how she rolls.), and finds the stupid thing. So now I have a BC and I can totally order my passport! Of course now it's like 8pm and this is not possible. Motivation to go out in the crappiness that is our beautiful Minnesota weather in the morning, right? Not. It sucked so bad that I totally wasn't going anywhere. I would have totally had to redo my hair and everything and I was SO not for that, especially if it was going to get rained on. So. No passport ordering today. But Monday.... we'll get 'er done. Yes. This was just a very long-winded but only semi-amusing tale told just to let you know... don't ever lose your passport.